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The Altar Missions

The Altar Missions exists to both equip and send our body of believers to reach the lost. We believe that Yahweh’s plan is for ALL to know Jesus (2 Peter 3:9) and receive Salvation through Him, and we take to heart the call of Jesus in Matthew 28 is to go and make disciples in ALL nations. We host quarterly Global Vision Nights, where we gather to grow in awareness, passion, and hope in relation to the least reached and poorest places on the earth. We also tune our ears to Yahweh's heart for the nations as we seek to send two Global Missions Trips per year.


For questions or more info, email Pastor David Morrison

Colombia Missions Trip!

March 15-24, 2025

Join us next Spring as we partner with Pastors Domingo & Heidys to expand the Gospel in Montería, Colombia! They planted their church at the beginning of the pandemic and are passionate to see the students of their city encounter Jesus and Holy Spirit!


Applications close September 8th!

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Where We've Been:


Aseri, Estonia; 
Revive Estonia

Partnering with the God Seekers movement as well as our friends, Upperroom, The Altar Global Missions had the incredible privilege to bring the hope of Jesus to the town of Aseri, Estonia through kids camps and construction.

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Nanki, Ecuador; 
Jungle to Jungle

Partnering with the church in Ibarra, Ecuador we were able to deliver Audio Bibles to a remote tribe in the Amazon, rebuild a school, and provide necessary supplies like medicine, food, and clothing. Many were saved, baptized, and healed!


Chang Mai, Thailand; 
The Buddhist Nation

In partnership with Koala Love & long-term missionaries we distributed over 400 Helmets & 700 Bibles in Thai, shared the Gospel to 3 unreached people groups, preached the Gospel in schools, and saw many divine healings and salvations!


Ibarra, Ecuador; Build and Reach Trip

We were able to raise over $16,000 to build the Pastor’s a home for their family. We also spent a week of Outreach where we saw the lost meet Jesus, the sick healed, and the hungry fed. Culminating in a conference for pastors and leaders and a night of miracles for the community.


Ibarra, Ecuador; 
Rebuilding the Ruins

After a torrential monsoon destroyed the children’s classrooms and bathrooms at our brother’s church we felt called to act. 18 joy-filled people rebuild the classrooms, bathrooms, and beautified the church for the glory of Jesus! 

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Global Vision Nights

A quarterly missions event where we will grow in awareness, passion, and hope in relation to the least reached and poorest places on the earth. Come to learn, come to grow, come to partner. No registration is required and we hope to see you there!

Finding Joy in the Midst of Pain

Pastor David was able to interview Jim & Lynn Saint (nephew of Nate Saint) on video yesterday and it is a beautiful and powerful story of finding Joy in the midst of great loss and sorrow.

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